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SaaS Security
The First Integrated CASB That Keeps Pace with the SaaS Explosion

As sensitive data is increasingly uploaded, created, shared, and exposed across multiple sanctioned applications, it becomes more vulnerable to loss and theft. If they are not properly secured, sanctioned SaaS applications can be harmful when it comes to creating new risks. In addition, cloud-based threats have increased in volume and sophistication, using advanced techniques to bypass standard defense methods, affecting sensitive data and users.

Besides corporate sanctioned applications, there are countless public SaaS applications available that employees can access without the knowledge of the IT department. Lack of visibility into SaaS usage prevents the IT department from having control over the employees’ use and abuse of unsanctioned SaaS applications, which can introduce serious risks to the organization, such as data leakage and noncompliance.

In our work-anywhere world, all sanctioned and unsanctioned SaaS applications remain accessible when employees choose to bypass VPN backhauling systems, preventing IT departments from having the necessary visibility or control over the extent of their use by employees.

Cloud adoption and hyper growth of SaaS applications

Business Benefits

What IT Security Teams Need Today

IT security teams are challenged with securing more and more sanctioned and unsanctioned SaaS applications, protecting sensitive data in the cloud, and maintaining compliance consistently across different cloud environments. At the same time, they must also block ever-evolving threats to their sensitive information, users, and resources. Today, they need a SaaS security solution that:

  • Provides visibility and control over all shadow IT risks and can intelligently keep up with the unstoppable SaaS growth.
  • Secures corporate SaaS apps from all known and unknown cloud threats.
  • Reliably protects sensitive data and ensures compliance across all SaaS apps.
  • Allows access to corporate SaaS apps only for legitimate users.
  • Is simple to deploy and doesn’t add unnecessary complexity and costs.
  • Is tied to the overall existing network security deployment as a comprehensive enterprise platform.

To safely adopt the cloud, companies need a single, consistent way to protect their users, applications, and data.

What your SaaS security offering must protect

Use Cases

Eliminate SaaS chaos

Control shadow IT. Automatically discover and control new applications to keep pace with SaaS growth.

Protect data and stay compliant

Get data protection and compliance across all SaaS applications with the industry’s first cloud-delivered enterprise DLP.

Prevent zero-day threats

Utilize natively integrated ML-based attack prevention without third-party security tools.

Comprehensive SaaS security

Get powerful capabilities for all cloud use cases

Cloud App-ID technology

Provides continuous application discovery, categorization and control of new and emerging SaaS applications.

Evasion-resistant threat detection signatures

Generates and delivers industry’s fastest zero-delay evasion-resistant signatures within seconds of initial cloud-based analysis.

Threat prevention via inline ML models

Stops new and unknown threats across sanctioned and unsanctioned SaaS applications.

Enterprise data loss prevention

Delivers our natively integrated Enterprise DLP service consistently across SaaS, IaaS, HQ, branch offices and remote workforces.

SaaS access governance

Allows access to corporate SaaS applications only for legitimate users.

Reduce complexity

Overcome the piecemeal approach of cloud-only controls. Protect data, apps and users across all networks, clouds and remote locations.

Integrated infrastructure

Integrated infrastructure

For ease of deployment

Leverage consistent performance, deployment simplicity and unified platform architecture across all on-premises and SaaS environments.

Limitations of Today’s Conventional Approaches

Today’s conventional point controls, such as traditional cloud access security brokers (CASB), secure web gateways (SWG), and built-in SaaS security capabilities, are broken due to numerous architectural and operational limitations. Because these solutions only solve part of the problem, organizations often need to deploy several tools to try to get holistic defense.

Security teams patch these tools together, increasing operational complexity and reducing security efficacy. Moreover, piecing together information from disparate, individual tools that don’t share data natively only provides part of the benefits. Ultimately this model is more time-consuming and hinders any security team’s ability to keep pace with overexposure of data and defend against attackers.

Reactive Shadow IT Discovery

Legacy solutions rely on a signature-based approach for SaaS discovery via application libraries that are often populated out of context. In fact, they require security analysts to manually come up with SaaS application signatures in retrospect, rather than leveraging a global community to inform a proactive mechanism that will uncover emerging application risks before they become real problems.

Piecemeal Security

CASBs and a few SaaS providers offer basic security capabilities that are limited in breadth and depth. Their data protection implementation, for example, is not enterprise-grade and is limited to cloud environments only. Such solutions are also not designed to detect the endless variants of threats that adversaries are constantly creating to evade security systems. Embedded security capabilities offered by SaaS and cloud service providers don’t secure multiple cloud environments.

Operational Complexity and High TCO

Legacy SaaS solutions like traditional CASB are standalone and disjointed from the security infrastructure. They are also quite difficult to deploy and manage because they are proxy-based and require complex traffic redirection from the network firewall and proxy auto-configuration (PAC) agents. Most importantly, these solutions don’t provide a unified data protection policy approach together with the on-premises channels.

Solution: Palo Alto Networks SaaS Security

Palo Alto Networks SaaS Security is the first integrated CASB that keeps pace with the SaaS explosion. Natively integrated with the Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewall platform (cloud-based, virtual, and hardware form factors), it delivers proactive visibility, best-in-class protection, and the fastest time to value for all SaaS applications, along with simple deployment and low total cost of ownership (TCO).

Key Components and Capabilities

Palo Alto Networks Enterprise DLP

Fastest Time to Value at Low TCO via an Integrated Architecture

SaaS Security is integrated with the Palo Alto Networks NGFWs in multiple form factors (cloud-delivered, physical, and virtual) to consistently protect all applications, devices, data, and types of workloads as well as all users working from any location. This comprehensive approach substantially simplifies the CASB deployment and its ongoing operations.

SaaS Security ensures the fastest time to value and the most easily deployed enterprise SaaS Security solution, compared to legacy proxy-based CASB, because it eliminates the man in the middle and is up and running in minutes. This results in 247% return on investment (ROI) for a typical enterprise using our firewall platform,4 along with high operational efficiency, five times faster CASB deployment, and up to 50% lower TCO compared to a traditional CASB because it’s based on a much leaner architecture.

Example SaaS Security deployment

CASB and Enterprise DLP: Key Enablers for SASE

As key elements of the Palo Alto Networks secure access service edge (SASE) solution, SaaS Security and Enterprise DLP play a key role in enabling organizations to consistently protect their data, applications, and users across networks and clouds while avoiding the complexity of multiple point products, significantly simplifying adoption, and saving resources—technical, human, and financial.

Our comprehensive SASE solution brings together networking and network security services in a single cloud-based platform to safeguard against risks to data, applications, and users; assist you through your cloud and network transformation; and help you safely adopt SaaS applications.

Building on Zero Trust with SaaS Security

Implementation of an effective Zero Trust security model for cloud-enabled enterprises has to take into account a least-privileged access strategy for SaaS applications and their sensitive data.

Palo Alto Networks SaaS Security is a fundamental part of the Palo Alto Networks Zero Trust architecture, allowing organizations to consistently secure access to SaaS applications and data across a highly distributed environment, including employees working from remote locations and their BYO devices.

Features and Capabilities Highlights

Privacy and Licensing

Palo Alto Networks has strict privacy and security controls in place to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive or personally identifiable information. We apply industry-standard best practices for security and confidentiality. You can find further information in our privacy datasheets.

Licensing and Support Requirements: