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Palo Alto Networks

Code to Cloud Security

The future of cloud security is Precision AI

Radically simplify cloud and application security.

Secure it all with Prisma Cloud

The Code to Cloud platform that secures apps from design to runtime.

Prisma Cloud is the most complete Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) for code to cloud security in any cloud, multicloud, and hybrid environment.

Code to Cloud Platform

Secure every stage of the application lifecycle.

Prioritize and eliminate risks across code/build, infrastructure and runtime.


Ship secure code by design.

Developer-friendly code security fixes risks before they reach runtime.

IaC Security
Secrets Security
CI/CD Security
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)


Protect the application infrastructure.

Protect the entire stack and harden the cloud estate.

Cloud Security Posture Management
Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management
API Visibility
Agentless Workload Scanning


Block advanced attacks in real time.

Stop active attacks with in-line protection and defense-in-depth.

Threat Detection
Host Security
Serverless Security
Web Application and API Security

Deep Drive

Meet the Strata Network Security Platform

Prisma Cloud

Eliminate risk across the application lifecycle.

Prioritize and fix security flaws in code during software development, detect and block untrusted images before deployment and protect cloud apps from zero-day threats at runtime.

See more

Prisma Cloud analyzes 1T events every 24 hours to deliver unparalleled visibility and keep security teams steps ahead of attacks.

Stop more

Prisma Cloud utilizes Precision AI to detect 1.5M new attacks every day.

Respond faster

Prisma Cloud helps you immediately take the right actions with guided investigations and response.


Secure your AI-powered applications.

Gain visibility and control of the data you use for training, the integrity of your AI models and the access to your deployed models. Identify and prioritize model risk, secure data across model resources and protect the AI application ecosystem.

AI-Powered Risk Inishgts

Rapidly prioritize risk with AI.

For every threat, quickly understanding what’s reachable and how best to fix it is paramount. Prisma Cloud employs AI-powered risk prioritization to analyze the blast radius from at-risk assets, enabling your teams to uncover complex risks with ease.

Prisma Cloud Copilot

Don’t just ask. Act.

Eliminate the need for specialized expertise. Simply have a conversation and get the answers you need, fast. Prisma Cloud Copilot analyzes vast amounts of data from code to cloud to help you fix faster and prevent breaches — all with a single click.

Industry recognized. Constantly innovating.

8x Cloud Security Leader

  • Forrester Wave: Cloud Workload Security
  • GigaOm Radar for Policy as Code
  • GigaOm Radar for Container Security
  • GigaOm Radar for Developer Security Tools
  • GigaOm Radar for Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management
  • GigaOm Radar for Data Security Posture Management
  • Frost & Sullivan CNAPP Radar
  • GigaOm Radar for CSPM