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Industry Solutions

Cybersecurity impacts every industry in different ways. One constant is the ongoing pressure to deploy new systems, applications, and devices. How can you enable change and deploy innovative technologies on time and on budget but without compromising your security?

Our network security solutions give you full visibility and control over all traffic based on applications, protocols, users, and content - even in the most remote and specialized corners of your network. With Palo Alto Networks, you can better manage and protect the complex and ever-evolving ecosystem of modern technologies upon which your industry relies.


On-demand information, E-learning, online collaboration, and other networking technologies have improved the efficiency and richness of the learning experience in many educational institutions. However, the risk of operational disruption, loss of sensitive information, and increased liabilities have gone up due to the potential for network misuse or security breaches.

Learning institutions need solid network access control and comprehensive protection against cyberthreats - especially when using modern technologies. With our unique access control framework - based on applications and users, as well as its multi-faceted threat prevention capabilities - Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls are the ideal platform for meeting your needs.

Control User Access and Enable the Safe Use of Applications

Our unique traffic classification technologies enable powerful and easy-to-implement access control policies that are based on applications and users, rather than port and protocol. This supports the safe enablement of approved business and educational applications, while all else is blocked including unapproved, problematic file-sharing, and peer-to-peer applications.

Control access to the internet

Our integrated URL filtering capabilities ensure that only approved sites and/or categories of sites are accessible. Unapproved locations, such as P2P download sites and sites known for housing malware, are automatically blocked. Along with our traffic classification technologies, URL filtering facilitates easier compliance with a growing number of government regulations placed on educational institutions.

Prevent network disruption due to malware

If left unchecked, your users may be exposed to malware in a variety of ways including email attachments, malicious websites, and even student wikis. Our comprehensive threat prevention capabilities ensure the complete identification and blocking of known and unknown malware and zero-day threats, irrespective of the vector utilized.

Enable the safe use of innovative applications and technologies.

Whether it’s mobile computing, datacenter virtualization, or software defined networks, you must innovate and use technology to drive differentiation and remain competitive. However, new technologies typically carry unknown and unpatched vulnerabilities that offer natural targets for cyberattacks. With Palo Alto Networks, you can rapidly enable the safe use of new applications and technologies by using easily defined and dynamic rules based on applications, users, and content.   

Ensure high quality of service for key applications

With our next-generation firewalls, you can also shape bandwidth usage based on application, user, content, or a combination of the three. This allows your real-time or high-priority traffic, such as E-learning, to have priority over best-effort or low-priority traffic. This ensures QoS where needed, and prevents non-essential applications from hogging available bandwidth.

Accelerate campus-wide administration and forensics

Our ability to centrally manage all security appliances and key security functions streamlines the deployment of configurations and policies. This also simplifies the collection and analysis of logs from multiple locations. Overall, you benefit from lower operational costs.