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Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR
Redefining Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response

Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR

Palo Alto Networks Products
Palo Alto Networks Cortex
Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR
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Security teams lack the people and scalable processes to keep pace with an overwhelming volume of alerts and endless security tasks. Analysts waste time pivoting across consoles for data collection, determining false positives, and performing manual, repetitive tasks throughout the lifecycle of an incident. As they face a growing skills shortage, security leaders deserve more time to make decisions that matter, rather than drown in reactive, piecemeal responses.

Orchestration & automation for security operations

Security orchestration involves interweaving people, processes, and technology in the most effective manner to strengthen the security posture of an organization. By streamlining security processes, connecting disparate security tools and technologies, and maintaining the right balance of machine-powered security automation and human intervention, security orchestration empowers security professionals to effectively and efficiently carry out incident response. Cortex XSOAR is the industry-leading Security Orchestration, Automation & Response (SOAR) technology by Palo Alto Networks that will automate up to 95% of all response actions requiring human review and allow overloaded security teams to focus on the actions that really require their attention.

Pricing Notes:

Palo Alto Networks Products
Palo Alto Networks Cortex
Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR
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